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Learn about what Dashboard offers.

Sushant Shekhar avatar
Written by Sushant Shekhar
Updated over a week ago

Hi There,

Dashboard in SalesBlink is the place where you can be in the know about all your Sequences, Stats & Reports.

It's completely customizable according to your requirements as well.

Here are the blocks that you can add in your Dashboard.

Email Stats

Add the Email Stats block to get a quick glimpse of all sequences in your account or a specific sequence.

You can configure the block to show the following stats:

  • Sent

  • Outbox

  • Opens

  • Clicks

  • Replies

  • Unsubscribed

  • Bounced

Task Stats

You can configure the block to show the stats for your custom created Task Types.

Scheduled Emails

Adds a list of your recently scheduled cold emails.

My Sequences

Adds a list of your sequences.


Adds a list of recent replies.


Adds a list of recent email opens.

Email Link Clicks

Adds a list of recent email link clicks.

Team Email Activity

Adds a block where you can select your team member & their Cold Email Stats will be displayed.

  • Sent

  • Outbox

  • Opens

  • Clicks

  • Replies

  • Unsubscribed

  • Bounced

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